An Ancient Fire Rekindled...

The 2024 Southwest Kiln Conference will be at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. September 27th – 29th, 2024.

We are excited to return to the roots of the Southwest Kiln Conference this year and are pleased to have the enthusiastic support of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center! In 1991 a small group of archaeologists and potters got together at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center to try and answer some questions about how the ancients created their distinctive black-on-white pottery. Thirty-three years later we are still working as artists and scientists to determine how these pots were made, share our discoveries, and expand our understanding.

We will be firing multiple trench and surface kilns with specific goals for gathering data from each of these firings and are looking forward to everyone sharing their experiments and discoveries since last year’s conference. 

This year we have decided to add a firing flat fee of $20 to help support the continuation of the conference and cover the use of this exceptional facility. Please note:  The conference itself remains free, this is a charge to those who wish to fire pottery–firings will be limited to two small (mug-sized) or large (approx. 10″) pots.

Please respect that Crow Canyon requests that all participants fill out a liability waiver.